A place where one woman has gathered resources and information to help her family survive in an uncertain future; together with occasional personal musings.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

new data

There is a plethora of new data coming out all the time - some is more alarming than others, but it all points in the same direction. The guy who compiled this is further along the doomer spectrum than I am, but not really by all that much


January 13, 2011

2010 Warmest, Wettest Year On Record

filed under: general, environment, collapse — admin @ 12:43 pm

From Fire Earth and NOAA:

  • Combined global land and ocean annual surface temperatures for 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest such period on record at 1.12 F (0.62 C) above the 20th century average. The range of confidence (to the 95 percent level) associated with the combined surface temperature is +/- 0.13 F (+/- 0.07 C).*
  • The global land surface temperatures for 2010 were tied for the second warmest on record at 1.73 F (0.96 C) above the 20th century average. The range of confidence associated with the land surface temperature is +/- 0.20 F (+/- 0.11 C).
  • Global ocean surface temperatures for 2010 tied with 2005 as the third warmest on record, at 0.88 F (0.49 C) above the 20th century average. The range of confidence associated with the ocean surface temperature is +/- 0.11 F (+/- 0.06 C).
  • In 2010 there was a dramatic shift in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which influences global temperature and precipitation patterns — when a moderate-to-strong El Niño transitioned to La Niña conditions by July. At the end of November, La Niña was moderate-to-strong.
  • According to the Global Historical Climatology Network, 2010 was the wettest year on record, in terms of global average precipitation. As with any year, precipitation patterns were highly variable from region to region.
  • The 2010 Pacific hurricane season had seven named storms and three hurricanes, the fewest on record since the mid-1960s when scientists started using satellite observations. By contrast, the Atlantic season was extremely active, with 19 named storms and 12 hurricanes. The year tied for third- and second-most storms and hurricanes on record, respectively.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent had a record long growing season, with the annual maximum occurring at the latest date, March 31, since records began in 1979. Despite the shorter-than-normal melting season, the Arctic still reached its third smallest annual sea ice minimum on record behind 2007 and 2008. The Antarctic sea ice extent reached its eighth smallest annual maximum extent in March, while in September, the Antarctic sea ice rapidly expanded to its third largest extent on record.
  • A negative Arctic Oscillation (AO) in January and February helped usher in very cold Arctic air to much of the Northern Hemisphere. Record cold and major snowstormswith heavy accumulations occurred across much of eastern North America, Europe and Asia. The February AO index reached -4.266, the largest negative anomaly since records began in 1950.
  • From mid-June to mid-August, an unusually strong jet stream shifted northward of western Russia while plunging southward into Pakistan. The jet stream remained locked in place for weeks, bringing an unprecedented two-month heat wave to Russia and contributing to devastating floods in Pakistan at the end of July.

1.73 F degrees may not sound like much — but as the world events show, this is hugely significant. Especially during therecord solar minimum we’ve been experiencing.

The parts of the world heating up the most are the Arctic and Antarctic, where temperature anomalies are far higher - 3 degrees Celsius and even 4.3 degrees Celsius: 2010 Hottest Year On Record For Canada

I recently shared this with a commentator:

There continues to be a steady rise in temperatures all over the world, especially the Antarctic and Arctic, and of course the world’s oceans. We are seeing what was expected — wild weather extremes all caused by heating.

All that evaporation (caused by heating in the hydrological cycle) has to go somewhere… it won’t stay airborne forever and when it does comes down, like it did in Pakistan and Australia, it’s “biblical”.

Don’t forget to include the United States, England, South Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines too.

Expect horrific heat waves in the coming summer seasons.

I’ve already written that much of the Southern United States will become uninhabitable in time. Equatorial regions will increase in temperature to truly hellish conditions. The predictions are that our “hottest days” we experience now will become the “norm” for weeks and months on end, and that will wipe out most crops in those regions. I just don’t think it will take that long (2039) to experience these events — more like 2015.

The so-called “scientific reticence” — reluctance to tell it like it is and go out on a limb and risk your career (like I do :) has proven time and time again to be woefully underestimated by the “experts” on how fast climate change is occurring and to what degree and extent we can expect massive changes to our ability to exist.

We are in the end-game now as far as the Earth is concerned. The timing couldn’t be more auspicious.

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